5. Configuration of BSCW Servers

The BSCW server can be configured by a set of configuration files which are stored in the instance configuration directory <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/. The standard configuration files in the instance configuration directory <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/ are:

  • config.py General configuration of the BSCW server
  • config_actions.py Customization to default action or role definitions
  • config_applet.py Configuration for the Java Applets
  • config_cal.py Configuration of the calendar
  • config_clientmap.py Configuration of web browser capabilities
  • config_controls.py Customization to default operation control definitions
  • config_convert.py Specification of encoders, converters, programs
  • config_countries.py Specification of country codes
  • config_easy_ui.py Easy interface menu layout
  • config_help.py Contains online help mappings
  • config_html_ui.py HTML user interface
  • config_icons.py Icon definitions
  • config_meet.py Configuration of social network facilities
  • config_menu.py Configuration of the menu layout
  • config_metadata.py Configuration of meta data
  • config_mimegroups.py Application MIME-type grouping
  • config_mimeicons.py MIME-type icons
  • config_mimemsg.py Additional translations for MIME-type specification
  • config_mime.py MIME-type specifications
  • config_mobile_ui.py Mobile user interface configuration
  • config_mpick.py Define class substitutions for deactivated packages
  • config_prio_categ.py Configuration of priorities and categories
  • config_quicksearch.py Settings for quick search
  • config_search.py Search configuration
  • config_service.py Settings for Windows service
  • config_styles.py Settings for style sheet handling

Please note the editing instructions within these files carefully when making any modifications. It should be noted that all configuration files are Python modules and on thus subject to Python’s programming language syntax. After an overview of different user authentication possibilities, the above configuration files are described in this section.

5.1. Authentication

BSCW provides for each user a personal view of accessible data. To access this personal view on the BSCW system every user needs to authenticate with an individual user name or an email address (allocated to an user name) and a password. In general BSCW offers two possibilities to perform this authentication

  1. BSCW Authentication

    In general BSCW authentication is passing user credentials via an environment variable to BSCW (cookie / basic / digest authentication). Passing the users’ credentials to BSCW gives the most flexibility to react on authentication challenges.

    See also

    Section 2.2 Security considerations

    Using BSCW authentication enables the usage of different (configured) methods, for example such as querying an LDAP service for users with an LDAP binding, or redirect to a single sign on service to perform an external user authentication.

    Additional features like

    • authentication with (registered) email address and password
    • BSCW logout
    • automatic fall-back to basic / digest authentication for WebDAV clients (since the WebDAV protocol does not support cookie authentication).

    are only available using BSCW authentication.

  2. Web Server Authentication

    Web Server Authentication used to be the classical” way BSCW handled authentication. To utilize the Apache web serves’ basic authentication module the (encrypted) user credentials are stored within a file htpasswd (see PASSWD) which was shared between the BSCW server and the Apache web server.

    While BSCW maintains this file, the Apache web server uses it to check the given user credentials before BSCW may be accessed via its bscw.cgi script.

    Using web server based authentication allows a “cascading” use of diverse Apache authentication modules. This enables for instance the implementation of an efficient authentication lookup against an organizational LDAP service (using the Apache mod_ldap.so). For failed LDAP authentication attempts then as second stage the standard basic authentication method is invoked using the shared htpasswd file.

    Nevertheless Apache web server authentication may not be flexible enough and has the following limitations:

    • authentication with email address and password is not possible, since at login time the web server cannot check the association between allocated email address and user name
    • the BSCW logout feature is not available
    • the usage of the ZOPE external editor is not possible (due to the used authentication mechanism).


    By default the creation of the PASSWD file is disabled, so no shared htpasswd file is generated.

BSCW instances enable BSCW authentication using Cookie Authentication as default setting. On older BSCW instances BSCW authentication may be explicitly enabled by running the command line script

$ bin/bsadmin conf_apache -n

See also

Section 3.4.1 Apache HTTP Server Configuration for more details

5.2. conf/config.py

This file defines the general server settings and server configuration of the BSCW server instance. Please note all relative file and directory names are resolved using instance runtime directory <bscw-runtime-path>.

Below the names of the configuration variables, their meaning and their default settings are given. At least the variables mentioned in the Section 1: MANDATORY server settings the configuration file must be set since their default setting is not sufficient.

5.2.1. MANDATORY server settings


The Web servers’ root address. This should be an absolute URL specifying

  • the protocol (http or https)
  • the fully qualified domain name of the server (a numeric IP address is not allowed here)
  • and (optionally) the port number

See section 3.4.2 BSCW instance configuration for configuration hints of SERVER_ROOT. For example

SERVER_ROOT = 'http://bscw.domain.org'
SERVER_ROOT = 'http://bscw.domain.org:8000
SERVER_ROOT = 'https://bscw.domain.org'


  • You have to set SERVER_ROOT before you apply for a BSCW license.
  • A granted BSCW license (not the evaluation license) will become invalid if you change SERVER_ROOT or the SCRIPTS prefix (see below). In this case BSCW will complain with a “license error” message after the BSCW database server is restarted or the garbage collector has run. Hence, you need to apply for a new (royalty-free) “change server”- license after changing the values of SERVER_ROOT or the standard SCRIPTS prefix. Of course, you might also reset SERVER_ROOT and SCRIPTS to the old values and restart (stop and start) the BSCW database server.
  • Whenever the SERVER_ROOT is changed you must run bsadmin update_helper in order to update the jnlp deployment files with the correct code base URL. Otherwise users may not be able to launch or install the BSCW Desktop application anymore.
SERVER_ROOT = 'https://bscw.domain.org'


The mail address of the BSCW administrator. It must be set to a valid and complete mail address.
SERVER_ADMIN = 'admin@domain.org'



Define lists of users with different administrative rights:

SERVER_ADMINS is a list of BSCW users that have full administrator rights (including user administration), e.g.:

SERVER_ADMINS = ['admin', 'alice', 'bob']

USER_ADMINS defines a list of BSCW users that have restricted administrator rights to manipulate (create, remove, change etc.) users and mail addresses only, e.g.:

USER_ADMINS = ['carol', 'dave']


The users listed here must be registered BSCW users and the names must match exactly.

See also

SERVER_ADMINS_IP for domain restrictions

SERVER_ADMINS = ['admin']


The mail contact address of the BSCW administrator. This is used to reference SERVER_ADMIN_CONTACT in the index page and the help menu for end users to contact their BSCW administrator by e-mail.

If left empty, the SERVER_ADMIN e-mail address is used.





HTTP_LOCAL_PORT defines the localhost port to HTTP server. BSCW needs local access to the standard bscw.cgi script. The HTTP server must listen to localhost:<HTTP_LOCAL_PORT> and must provide access to the BSCW Server via this port.


  • the localhost port to the HTTP server must support HTTP; HTTPS is not supported.
  • If you use the Apache <VirtualHost> container to accommodate the BSCW script path it may be necessary define an extra virtual host for localhost:<HTTP_LOCAL_PORT> where the Apache configuration file <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/apache24/bscw.conf also is included.
  • See also the virtual host container template file <bscw-instance-path>/conf/apache24/site.conf for examples.

If HTTP_LOCAL_PORT_START is not None and the package http is enabled then bsadmin start automatically starts a HTTP server listening on HTTP_LOCAL_PORT. For example, with HTTP_LOCAL_PORT_START = "-p 100 -r 128" the command bsadmin start automatically executes bsadmin http -p 100 -r 128 local (spawning maximal=100 processes with maxlisten=128, this is the default).

Use bsadmin conf_apache in order reconfigure the Apache server to forward requests to this server instead of executing bscw.cgi scripts. You must reconfigure and restart Apache again if you reset HTTP_LOCAL_PORT_START = None, change HTTP_LOCAL_PORT or disable the http package!


Currently bsadmin http and hence HTTP_LOCAL_PORT_START works only on Unix systems!

If HTTP_LOCAL_PORT_START is not None, then check for special authentication (used by op_alarm, op_mailnotify etc.) that REMOTE_ADDR is one of the given local host addresses, e.g: HTTP_LOCAL_HOST_CHECK = ('::1', '')




A host name or an IP-address of a mail host that accepts mail posting by SMTP.

Using the SMTP_HOST option is recommended, because it allows to set sender addresses correctly. If empty, the local mail delivery command as defined in SENDMAIL is used (see also local BSCW mail delivery MDA_MTA). A non-default port may be specified by appending :<port>, SMTP_HOST = 'mail.bscw.de:225'

Finally @TLS or @SSL may be appended to SMTP_HOST, in order to switch over to TLS (see smtplib starttls) or to start right away with SSL (see smtplib SMTP_SSL, not supported by non-SSL builds). Invalid SMTP_HOST setting and BSCW mail transport in general can be debugged with:

bsadmin sendmail -vv

If SMTP_AUTH is set to a non-empty string login:passwd the RFC 2554 SMTP authentication mechanism is used after connecting the mail host. This string contains a pair of login name and clear text password separated by :, e.g. SMTP_AUTH = 'bscw:secret'

SMTP_HOST = 'mail.domain.org@TLS'

5.2.2. Mail handling


A command line accepting mail (header+body) for posting via standard input. The patterns %(from)s and %(to)s in the SENDMAIL string are substituted by the sender and the recipients of the mail respectively (the recipients are separated by spaces).
SENDMAIL = ['/usr/lib/sendmail', '-f', '%(from)s', '%(to)s']








Settings for the local BSCW mail delivery agent, which delivers mail directly into folders.


When local BSCW mail delivery is enabled, the BSCW server should only use the local mail server, therefore it is advisable to set SMTP_HOST = ''

MDA_MTA specifies the local Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), currently supported are:

MDA_MTA = 'qmail'
MDA_MTA = 'postfix'
MDA_MTA = 'sendmail'

Setting MDA_MTA = '' or any unknown MTA will disable the BSCW mail delivery feature (this is the default).

MDA_MBOX defines the local mailbox name for BSCW mda (this is normally the BSCW user ID name)

MDA_DOMAIN defines the domain name of the BSCW MDA (which is the delivery domain of the local MTA for the local BSCW MDA mailbox)

MDA_HDRMETA defines which headers are shown in the RFC822 meta profile of an uploaded email, e.g.:

MDA_HDRMETA = ['RFC822:from', 'RFC822:to', 'RFC822:cc']

if MDA_EXTRACTMAIL evaluates to True, the ‘mailaccess’ form shows a preselected option “[x] extract emails into a folder”

MDA_DELIMITER = None (optional) allows to override the MTA default recipient delimiter:

MDA_DELIMITER = '+' (sendmail/postfix)
MDA_DELIMITER = '-' (qmail)

MDA_EXT = True (optional) appends the extension for the MIME type message/rfc822 (as defined in config_mime.py: .eml or .mht) to the email name.

MDA_MTA = ''
MDA_MBOX = 'bscw'
MDA_DOMAIN = 'domain.org'
MDA_HDRMETA = ['RFC822:from', 'RFC822:to', 'RFC822:cc']


SEND_LIMIT is a tuple of (soft_limit, hard_limit). If an email should be send by the send operation and the message becomes larger than the soft_limit , the user gets an hint that, he will send a large email. If the message is larger then the hard_limit, the sending of the message will be rejected. If one or both of the limits are 0, the test or both tests will be suppressed.

Possible values for the sizes are strings which may be specified in bytes or kilo- (mega-, giga-, tera-) bytes with an additional k (K), M, G or T suffix. E.g. valid values for ten mega-bytes are 10485760 or :'10M'.

SEND_LIMIT = ('10M', '20M')



TOKEN_EXP defines the life span of access tokens for documents sent in emails. When sending documents as links (send operation), email recipients will be sent the link including a temporary token. This token grants “get” access to the document for anonymous users, until the token expires. Setting TOKEN_EXP = None will entirely disable option to send tokens; links can then only be sent to registered users with “get” right.

AUTH_TOKEN_EXP defines the maximum validity period of a registration link (sent in user registration email notifications). By default these links do not expire (AUTH_TOKEN_EXP = None)

  • possible values for the interval may be specified in seconds or minutes (hours, days, weeks) with an additional 'm' ('h', 'd', 'w') suffix. E.g. valid values which specify one week are 604800 (or '604800'), '7d' or '1w'.
  • TOKEN_EXP < 600 sec (10 min) will entirely disable this option.
  • AUTH_TOKEN_EXP must be set >= 600 sec (10 min)
TOKEN_EXP = '4w'


If set it specifies an email address which will be used as sender instead of the SERVER_ADMIN, when an user sends an email via the send operation.




define headers of outgoing BSCW user email messages

If SEND_RETURN_PATH is set it specifies an email address, which will be used as Return-path in the envelope when mails are sent. Otherwise the email address from the From field is used (which is considered to be a valid email address, because it has been verified by BSCW).

If SEND_HDR is True (default) BSCW appends a Sender: <SEND_ADMIN> and a Reply-To: <user-mailaddr> header to honor RFC 822/4021 agent submission. If additionally SEND_ONBEHALF is True (default: False) the From: header is rewritten as From: "BSCW-Administrator on behalf of <user>" <SEND_ADMIN>.




FAX_SERVER is the IP address (or hostname) of a fax server with a mail gateway (for example the HylaFAX server, http://www.hylafax.org/ ). If it is not empty, BSCW offers an interface to send faxes with this server, i.e. the BSCW server sends either a text/plain or a multipart/mixed message with a fax to this server. To configure this message edit the template fax.mail in the BSCW messages directory:

FAX_SERVER = 'fax.domain.org'

FAX_ATTACHMENTS contains a list of mime types for documents, that can be send in a multipart/mixed message to the fax server.

FAX_ATTACHMENTS = ['text/plain', 'application/postscript']

5.2.3. Server access


List (or tuple) of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or networks. Networks may be specified in prefix (CIDR) or netmask notation. If not empty the remote address must match one of the given domains for a user in SERVER_ADMINS or USER_ADMINS to become BSCW Administrator (see below).

    '',                  # administrator IP address
    '',               # administrator IP net (prefix)
    '',    # administrator IP net (netmask)




MAY_REGISTER defines a list of BSCW users names or pattern tuples of email addresses assigned to users who have the right to register mail addresses - i.e. to invite new users to the system or to a workspace. This is in addition to SERVER_ADMINS or USER_ADMINS who have this right anyway. Please see RESTRICT_MAIL for a description how to define pattern tuples, example

    ('[^@]*@orbiteam.de', 1),

There are three special cases: if MAY_REGISTER is :

  • [] - registration of new email addresses is allowed for all users. This allows all registered users to invite new users to the system. Also self-registration is possible.
  • None - registration is allowed for all registered users, but self-registration is forbidden.


Only MAY_REGISTER = [] allows self-registration by URL: http://bscw.domain.org/pub/bscw.cgi?op=rmail

If ALLOW_MAIL_AUTH is set True (default) users may reset their password via mail token authentication. If set False mail token authentication is disallowed (and only the administrator may reset forgotten passwords).

If ALLOW_MAIL_UNLOCK is set True users may unlock their account after being locked by the system (e.g. after multiple wrong login attempts (as defined in BADPASS)) via mail token authentication. If set False users may only be unlocked by a BSCW administrator.






A list of user details that must be filled in at registration time by new users. Select a subset of the following user attributes:

fullname (users’ full name), org (Organization), phone (work phone). fax (work fax), homephone (private phone), mobile (mobile phone), post (postal address). In order to inquire the user for his full name and phone number at registration you would configure:

    'fullname','org', 'phone', 'fax',
    #'homephone', 'mobile', 'post'

or allow registration without additional details, simply set:


If TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS, PRIVACY_POLICY or ACCESSIBILITY_POLICY are defined and point to a link (URL), the registration form will be extended by check-boxes which the user has to confirm before finishing the registration process.

The page referenced by TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS should describe the server’s terms of use (which the users agree to accept). The pages referenced by PRIVACY_POLICY should contain rules that apply to data protection declaration (resp. “Datenschutzerklärung” [DE]) and ACCESSIBILITY_POLICY should contain a accessibility declaration (resp. “Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit” [DE]). All links will be shown in the menu of the index page and in the footer of all (container) pages.

To support language dependent links, add the language shortcut (uppercase) to the variable name, e.g. use TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_DE for a German page.


  • English is the default language which is displayed for all languages without language dependent link.
  • With the legal validiy of the EU - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it will be necessary to provide a data protection declaration for BSCW instances operated in the European Union. See the BSCW admininstration manual section 2.3 EU - General Data Protection Regulation for further details.


Users’ default value for “Show my presence and last login date to other users”


If ABOUT_SITE is defined it should point to a link (URL) that contains legal notice of the server’s website (aka ‘Publisher’ [EN] or ‘Impressum’ [DE]). The link will be shown on the index page’s menu and as visible link in the footer of all (container) pages.

To support language dependent links, add the language shortcut (uppercase) to the variable name, e.g. use ABOUT_SITE_DE for a German page.


English is the default language which is displayed for all languages without language dependent link.



Defines if BSCW users have the right to unregister (i.e. self-destroy their account).

MAY_UNREGISTER may not be configured for individual accounts but only be set to True or False, i.e. enabled or disabled for all users (except for administrators).



The default user language is taken as default language for new users (or email addresses) in case no language is assigned explicitly.


upon (self-)registration, the browser language is assigned to the new user.






A list (or tuple) of pairs (pattern, boolean) to restrict email addresses:

  • RESTRICT_MAIL restricts the set of email addresses that are accepted by BSCW for e.g. registration or invitation.

  • RESTRICT_EXT_MAIL restricts the set of external email addresses that are accepted by BSCW functions, such as appointment scheduling.


    RESTRICT_EXT_MAIL extends RESTRICT_MAIL patterns, i.o.w. RESTRICT_MAIL patterns are applied before patterns defined in RESTRICT_EXT_MAIL.

  • RESTRICT_SEND restricts the set of user email addresses that are allowed to send email via BSCW.

  • RESTRICT_FAX restricts the set of user email addresses that are allowed to send a fax via BSCW.

If the list is not empty, then a new mail address is translated to lower case and matched against the patterns (see Python module re). The boolean of the first matching pattern decides, if the mail address is accepted by BSCW. For example:

RESTRICT_MAIL = [('[^@]*@orbiteam.de', 1),]

restricts accepted email addresses to the single domain orbiteam.de.


RESTRICT_* do not apply, if the inviting user is in the list of SERVER_ADMINS or USER_ADMINS.








User password quality and user account expiry settings

MINPASSLEN defines the minimal length of a users local password.


  • A dictionary search to avoid the selection of weak passwords is available if the

    are installed. To enable this feature set

    MINPASSLEN = 'libcrack'
  • If MINPASSLEN == 'libcrack' cracklib may be configured using the PYTHONCRACK dictionary as follows:

        'MIN_LENGTH': 8,   # minimal password length
        'UP_CREDIT': -1,   # at least 1 upper case character
        'LOW_CREDIT': -1,  # at least 1 lower case character
        'DIG_CREDIT': -1,  # at least 1 digit character
        'OTH_CREDIT': -1,  # at least 1 other character
        'DIFF_OK': 3,      # min. difference old and new passwd

    (see http://www.nongnu.org/python-crack/doc/crack-api.html)

EXPPASS defines the time interval users are required to change their passwords.

EXPACCT defines the time interval after which users are expired, if they did not login previously.

Possible values for the EXPPASS and EXPACCT intervals may be specified in seconds or minutes (hours, days, weeks) with an additional 'm' ( 'h' , 'd' , 'w' ) suffix. E.g. valid values which specify one week are 604800 (or '604800' ), '7d' or '1w' . A value of 0 disables enforced password changing resp. general user expiration.

LOG_EXPIRED_USERS specifies the log file where all expired (and re-enabled) user accounts are logged.

BADPASS defines the number of failed authentication attempts after an user is locked. A value of 0 disables user password mismatch locking.


The use is not advised, enabling this feature allows easy denial of service attacks.

CRYPT_HASH specifies the hash algorithm used when storing password hashes. Possible values for CRYPT_HASH are:

  • 'sha512_crypt' to use SHA512 (default)
  • 'sha256_crypt' to use SHA256

The following hash algorithms are for legacy support:

  • 'md5_crypt' to use the Linux MD5 Modular Format (deprecated)
  • 'des_crypt' to use DES (deprecated)
LOG_EXPIRED_USERS = 'expired_users'
CRYPT_HASH = 'sha512_crypt'









Settings for a virus scanner to scan files after upload or before download:

  • To enable a virus scan on download allows potential undetected viruses at upload time to be detected later with ongoing newer virus definitions of the virus scanner.
  • If a virus is found, the file will be quarantined in an encrypted ZIP archive with a predefined password (VIRUS_PASSWD).
  • The download virus scan is repeated every VIRUS_DB_CHECK seconds, if a new virus database version is detected (VIRUS_DB_VERS).
  • (Unix) When enabling the virus scan feature the 7-Zip file archiver must be installed.

VIRUS_CHECK defines in which situation files are scanned. Valid values are 0 (never), 1 (on upload) or 3 (on upload and download)

SCANFILE specifies the command string to scan a file. Use the pattern '%(file)s' for the file name. Consider in the parameters of the scan command to scan archive files (like ZIP) or emails. An empty value will deactivate the scanning.

NO_VIRUS_FOUND gives a list of result codes which the scan command will return if no virus is found.

VIRUS_FOUND gives a list of result codes which the scan command will return if a virus is found.

VIRUS_WAIT is the time (in seconds) the server will wait for a scan or quarantine process to complete before responding to a download request.

VIRUS_DB_VERS specifies the command string to get the version of virus database. If it is defined, a repetitive scan will not be done before the database has been updated.

VIRUS_DB_CHECK gives the interval (in seconds) between repetitive virus scans for a document (default: 86400 (1 day)). Within this interval, a document will not be re-scanned even if new virus definitions are available. The interval must be at least one hour.

VIRUS_PASSWD specifies the password that is used to protect access to a document that has been quarantined.

Example for Avast command line scan utility

SCANFILE = "/bin/scan -b '%(file)s'"
VIRUS_FOUND = [1,]      # virus found
VIRUS_FOUND = [1, 2]    # virus found, avast error
VIRUS_DB_VERS = '/bin/scan -V'

To grant access to BSCW files add the avast system user to the bscw group, e.g:

$ su
# vigr

Example for NAI McAffee VirusScan:

SCANFILE = "uvscan --mime --unzip '%(file)s'"

Example for ClamAV:

SCANFILE = "/usr/bin/clamdscan --fdpass --no-summary '%(file)s'"
VIRUS_FOUND = [1, 2]    # virus found, clamd error
VIRUS_DB_VERS = '/usr/bin/clamdscan -V'

5.2.4. web/proxy server settings


HTTP Authentication parameter - as set in the Web server configuration.


If you are running different BSCW servers on one host then you must use a different realm for each server.

BSCW_REALM = 'BSCW Shared Workspace Server'


If not zero and the Host: header is sent by the client, then the BSCW server will use this header for generation of absolute server URLs.

Otherwise the URL will be taken from the SERVER_ROOT or from the environment variable SERVER_NAME or from the socket.gethostname() method (in this order).





By default BSCW authenticates user via HTTP cookies. This overrides the user authentication (perhaps already) done by the HTTP server. In order to avoid confusion, the HTTP server should not be configured to do authentication when COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION is enabled.

COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION is a triple (tagname, location, timeout)

with the following settings:

timeout = None      do not verify authentication tag (low security!)
timeout = 0         authentication tag does not expire
timeout = n         authentication tag expires after n minutes
location = None     use op_login for BSCW authentication
location = URL      jump to URL for authentication


COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION = ('bscw_auth', None, 120)

Cookie authentication is diabled with:


If the MS Internet Information Server (IIS) is used please see:

AUTH_MODE (authorization mode) specifies the authentication method BSCW uses when user credentials are passed to BSCW. AUTH_MODE must be 'Basic' for basic access authentication or 'Digest' for digest access authentication.


digest authentication is considered to be insecure. Better use https only with basic authentication.


digest authentication is not possible in combination with ldap or with email address login. If you use one of these features AUTH_MODE must be 'Basic'

OPEN_ID_DEFAULT is set in order to enable OpenID registration and authentication (see http://openid.net/). For example, set:


This will show a link to the “default provider” openid.net in the login page. This enables a user to get an OpenID URL if he does not have one. If you do not want to give a link to a default provider set:

OPEN_ID_DEFAULT = ("", "")


COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION must be set and location (see above) must be None when OpenIDs are used.

Also the python-openid package must be installed (https://github.com/openid/python-openid)

OpenID registration and authentication is disabled with:


FEDERATIONS enables support for federation access and single-sign-on. This Feature works in conjunction with path prefixes for anonymous users defined in SCRIPTS (see below) and authentication modules provided for the Apache HTTP server (only mod_shib is currently supported).

FEDERATIONS must be the empty tuple () or a dictionary {}.

anonymous_user_name: (login_module, icon, restrict_mail)

For example, if you have defined a path prefix for the (anonymous) SnakeOilProviders '/pub/snakeoil/': ('SnakeOilProviders', ...) in the SCRIPTS dictionary, you can enforce Shibboleth authentication for accessing '/pub/snakeoil/' with the following entry in FEDERATIONS:

'SnakeOilProviders': ('login_shib', '<icon-url>', ()),


  • 'login_shib' refers to the BSCW Shibboleth authentication module (the only one that is currently supported in this context).
  • BSCW uses the '<icon-url>' for a login-button button which is displayed in the login page. A user might click on it in order to authenticate via the federation.
  • the third parameter is a list of pairs (see RESTRICT_MAIL) that restrict the trusted email addresses for user identification and automatic registration via the federation. You might use () if you trust all authenticated email addresses.
  • the third parameter may also be set to RESTRICT_MAIL. In this case the normal RESTRICT_MAIL and MAY_REGISTER settings apply. Especially if no self-registration is allowed (MAY_REGISTER != []) then only invited users may auto-register via Shibboleth


  • use bsadmin conf_apache and bsadmin index_page for (re-)configuration of the Apache HTTP server and the index page if you have changed COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION, SCRIPTS or FEDERATIONS.
  • test if authentication is correctly enforced by accessing <SERVER_ROOT>/pub/snakeoil/bscw.cgi/
  • COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION must be enabled to display the the login page in the first place.
  • this kind of login requires that the authentication process provides an authenticated email address of the user. For mod_shib this means that it must set the environment variable mail resp. HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_MAIL after successful authentication. To test open: <SERVER_ROOT>/pub/snakeoil/bscw.cgi/?op=env

See also

Section 6.22.3 Shibboleth Authentication for further configuration hints.

AUTH_MODE = 'Basic'


If COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION is enabled the authentication tag expires after the specified timeout. Certain operations (like presence bar, portal widgets and editor auto-save) will send automated requests in short intervals which keeps the user’s session alive.

If COOKIE_AUTH_FORCE_LOGOUT is enabled however, a session timeout is forced if no ‘real’ user interaction happens within the specified time.



When enabled all POST requests must be authenticated by a hidden variable. To avoid cross-side attacks this must be enabled.


For POST requests the Referer header should start with the server root (of the BSCW web server). If this is not the case and when POST_CHECK_REFERER is True an error is raised.


some proxies and browser might suppress the Referer header (they should not if the Referer URL is on the target host, since there is no privacy compromise in that case).




If LOG_REG_USERS is not empty, all newly registered users at the system are logged in the file LOG_REG_USERS.

If not empty then all users that are removed from the system are logged in the file LOG_REMOVED_USERS. An entry is a line of the form:


An email address proceeded by '?' denotes an email address that was not owned by the user at the time of removal (hence the user has not received an email notification).

LOG_REG_USERS = 'registered_users'
LOG_REMOVED_USERS = 'removed_users'


PASSWD - Web server password file

If PASSWD is not empty the password file PASSWD is automatically managed by BSCW:

PASSWD = 'htpasswd'


  • the web server password file is not used by BSCW any longer, but might be of interest for other web applications.
  • If you change the PASSWD file, you must also point your HTTP server to the new file.

See also

Section 3.4.1 Apache HTTP Server Configuration for Unix

Section 4.5.2 Apache HTTP Server Configuration or 4.5.3 IIS Configuration for Windows





Define the CGI scripts that may be called the HTTP server. Given the URL http://bscw.domain.org/testing/sec/bscw.cgi/25, the HTTP server will split this URL into:

the SCRIPT_NAME "/testing/sec/bscw.cgi" and

the PATH_INFO "/25"

The BSCW server splits the script name further into :

the prefix "/testing/sec/" and

the script "bscw.cgi"


the prefix always starts and ends with a /.

The BSCW accepts a SCRIPT_NAME, if the prefix is found in the SCRIPTS dictionary:

prefix: (username, '', create_scripts, extra_scripts)

The script is found in one of the two lists create_scripts or extra_scripts. If username is None, the user must authenticate. Otherwise the BSCW server assumes that the client may use the script without authentication (e.g. for anonymous access or access controlled by the client’s host domain). In the latter case the user will get access according to username.


You have to apply for a new (“move server”) license if you have a granted BSCW license (not an evaluation license) and change the prefix for the entry with username None (the standard SCRIPTS prefix). See also SERVER_ROOT above.


  • The usernames must be different in all tuples (username, ...) and there must exist at least a tuple with username None and a tuple with username anonymous.
  • The command bsadmin chkconfig needs the dictionary entry (which might be the same for all prefixes) in order to automatically create the scripts listed in create_scripts. For special purposes you might also create your own CGI scripts that eventually call the BSCW service. These scripts must be listed in extra_scripts.
  • The user objects for all usernames != None are automatically created and registered as anonymous users when the path prefix is accessed. If a non-anonymous user is found by username then the a "Bad script name" error will be raised.
  • The extra_script and SECURE_SCRIPTS feature is intended for experts only. CREATE_SCRIPTS is not used elsewhere. It is only defined for convenience.
CREATE_SCRIPTS = ['bscw.cgi']
#   '/pub/snakeoil/':
#       ('SnakeOilProviders', '', CREATE_SCRIPTS, SECURE_SCRIPTS),


If a script prefix is listed in SILENT_ERROR_FOR, any error message will be replaced by SILENT_ERROR.html which then must reside in the directory bscw/templates of the server. For example:


will prevent error related information from being collected by misuse of public access.



If you have more than one BSCW server instance on a single host, you must select one of them to handle all document root / WebDAV PROPFIND requests for all BSCW server instances on this host. E.g. if you have another BSCW server that handles requests on /bscw1 and /pub1 (see SCRIPTS above), you might set

SCRIPTS_OTHER_ROOTS = ('/bscw1', '/pub1')       on this server and
SCRIPTS_OTHER_ROOTS = None                      on the other server.


You have to re-generate the Apache configuration with with bsadmin conf_apache when you make changes to SCRIPTS or SCRIPTS_OTHER_ROOTS and restart the web server.






To enable Single Sign On support for the Central Authentication System (CAS; https://www.apereo.org/products/cas/) an alternate secure path prefix SSO_PREFIX, an CAS service URL CAS_URI and an alternate secure script path (SCRIPTS_ALIASES) must be defined.

SSO_PREFIX defines a path prefix which is redirected to the SSO authentication service. If undefined or empty SSO support is disabled (default).

SSO_SCRIPT (optional) defines an additional alternate script name of the CGI script which is redirected to the SSO authentication service. If undefined or empty CREATE_SCRIPTS[0] is used (default).

CAS_URI defines the URL of the CAS Single Sign On service, e.g.:

CAS_URI = 'http://sso.domain.org:8080/cas'

SCRIPTS_ALIASES define alternate script alias prefix paths for the secure prefix:

        (SSO_PREFIX, {
            'mode': AUTH_MODE,
            'cookie': ('bscw_cas', None, 120) }), ],

A script alias prefix path definition is a list of tuples [('path_alias', auth_dict)]. For every script alias prefix path the authentication dictionary auth_dict defines the authentication mode and (if needed) cookie authentication, e.g.:

auth_dict = {'mode': 'Digest', 'cookie': None}
auth_dict = {'mode': 'Basic',
    'cookie': ('bscw_cas', None, 120)}

For available mode values see the AUTH_MODE and for available cookie values see the COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION configuration directives above

CAS_URI = ''
SSO_COOKIE = ('bscw_cas', None, 120)
    (SSO_PREFIX, { 'mode': AUTH_MODE, 'cookie': SSO_COOKIE }), ],


Must have the values '' or '%2f' or '%2F'. This should only be set not empty if the Apache HTTP server is used and AllowEncodedSlashes On is set. It must be equal to the encoding that the Apache HTTP server uses for URI path segments ('%2f').


This is an experimental feature. Many DAV clients do not work with encoded slashes in URI path segments. Better leave it empty by now.





Specify proxies for various server types (i.e. http, https, ftp) by defining a variable named <TYPE>_PROXY. This variable denotes the proxy server for this type by the form <scheme>:://<name>:<port>. For example

HTTP_PROXY = 'http://proxy.orbiteam.de:3128'
HTTPS_PROXY = 'https://sslproxy.orbiteam.de:3128'
FTP_PROXY = 'proxy.orbiteam.de:3128'

The proxies are used by the BSCW server if it fetches or verifies an URL.



Gives a list for domains, where the proxy should be bypassed, i. e., a host whose end of its name matches one of the domains, will be connected directly. Normally it should be set to the local domain. For example:

BYPASS_PROXY = ['fit.fraunhofer.de', 'orbiteam.de']


Sets a FTP firewall gateway IP address (or hostname) for the export operation.



Control the get and edit actions for documents, which can be opened by applications via WebDAV. For example with MS Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 documents may be saved immediately on the BSCW server.

Prerequisites: WebDAV enabled, MS Office 2013, 2016, 2019 the document name must have the right extension.

WEBDAV_EDITORS defines a dictionary MIME-types -> MS-ProgIds which define the editor application to be used on the client. If the MS-ProgId is empty ('') the default editor will be used (this is known to fail sometimes).


0 - disable this feature.

1 - action get with old behavior, action edit calls the
application with a WebDAV link.
2 - action get calls the application with a WebDAV link, no
action edit
3 - action get calls the application with a WebDAV link (in
view mode for MS Office), action edit (in edit mode).
 'application/vnd.ms-excel': 'Excel.Sheet',
 'application/vnd.ms-project': 'MSProject.Project',
 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint': 'PowerPoint.Slide',
 'application/vnd.ms-word': 'Word.Document',
 'application/vnd.visio': 'Visio.Drawing',
 'application/rtf': 'Word.Document',


You may want to configure the system to get/open certain document types (i.e. MIME Types) as attachments and not directly within the browser (which is the default behaviour when users click on a link). Especially for newer versions of Microsoft Office, attachments can avoid strange effects and frustrating user experience: Links to MS-Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint…) will usually let MS-Office open the document directly from the BSCW server and so ask for username / password, even though the document is opened read-only (i.e. for reading or printing only) and the ‘save to server’ feature is not available. As a workaround, MS suggests to explicitly mark the content as a read-only download (i.e., as an “attachment”). In that case, the browser will download the document with the known login information and afterward open MS-Office on the downloaded file.

For all document types configured below, BSCW will add the Content-Disposition: Attachment header to the response whenever the user clicks a link to the document in a container page.


5.2.5. BSCW appearance settings


BSCW is largely compliant with the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0). By default, some requirements of the BITV are not met. This can be changed by setting BITV_STANDARD to True.


Maximum number of matching hits by a User Search


Defines, if the search for BSCW users, is allowed on the add member form




Controls the autoversion behavior for newly created documents:


  • 1 (default), new created documents are not set under version control.

  • 0, new created documents are automatically set under version control and all revised versions will be stored.

  • <n>, new created documents are automatically set under version control, but only the latest <n> revised versions will be stored.

    Revising version <n>+1 will automatically remove the oldest revision.

If the MAX_VERSIONS_KEEP list is not empty, all version ids of a document are matched against the RE patterns. The boolean of the first matching pattern decides if a version id gets removed when MAX_VERSIONS is set to store the latest <n> revised versions.

For example:

    ('.*\.0$', True),

will avoid the removal of all version ids ending with “.0”

If MAX_VERSIONS_LIMIT is set to a value > 1, the maximum number of user configurable version revisions (cf. [> Change > Properties] form) is limited to MAX_VERSIONS_LIMIT.


  • This does not affect the global setting (cf. MAX_VERSIONS)
  • When defining MAX_VERSIONS_LIMIT, MAX_VERSIONS must be equal or less MAX_VERSIONS_LIMIT and unequal 0.



Many browsers crash, when they should display long container listings. To prevent users from requesting such precarious pages, the number of entries in a listing can be limited. If set to 0, there is no restriction to the number of entries.

SCROLL_DEFAULT is taken as default setting for new users. Can be 500, 300, 200, 150, 100, 80, 50 or 20 as long as <= SCROLL_LIMIT. Can also be 0 (but only if SCROLL_LIMIT is 0), meaning “all entries”.




Mime type for BSCW uploading and edit helper. On client side, this Mime type should be configured to one of our BSCW uploader and generic editor programs:

EDITOR = 'application/x-bscw-edit'

The user must have an application (i.e. script) bound to this mime type and should have selected “external editors” (in the [Options ‣ Preferences] [General] [File Handling] menu). Upon “Edit” action, BSCW serves a file that contains four lines:

  • the URL, where the file can be downloaded (GET) or uploaded (PUT)
  • the mime type of the file
  • the encoding of the file
  • the name of the file
EDITOR = 'application/x-zope-edit'

The Zope External Editor is used for editing cycle, i.e. upon “edit” action, BSCW serves a file with according mime type and content (as expected by Zope External Editor). The user must have the Zope External Editor installed and should have selected some “external editors” (in the [Options ‣ Preferences] [General] [File Handling] menu).

HELPER = 'application/x-java-jnlp-file'
EDITOR = 'application/x-zope-edit'


Parameter for file conversion: all possible conversions for a file should be shown (0) or only the best one (1).
ConversionMethode = 1



STYLE_NOW_BROWSER_SCALE Defines a subdirectory of the directory STYLES_DIR, in which changes to the default style sheets and changes in config_styles.py for different font sizes can be located. It is used only if browser scale is switched off.

STYLE_COLORS defines a list of subdirectories of the directory STYLES_DIR, in which changes to the default style sheets and changes in config_styles.py for different color schemes can be located.



Available themes to be chosen by users. Every theme is based on a config_theme.py, which contains values for placeholders. The final .css files are then generated using bsadmin themes.
THEMES = ('bscw', 'bw')


Colors for URL ratings: [ 'none', 'poor', 'passable', 'fair', 'good', 'excellent']
    '#000000', '#404878', '#6068a0',
    '#7680d0', '#ff8000', '#ff0000']


A list of colors with tuples of (background_color, font_color) for auto-generated user avatars (if user doesn’t provide a photo) Note: this feature requires GraphicsMagick: http://www.graphicsmagick.org

Both color names or hex values (e.g. ‘white’ or ‘#ffffff’) can be used - as supported by GraphicsMagick: http://www.graphicsmagick.org/color.html

    ('#004F80', '#FFFFFF'),  # dark blue 100%
    ('#00B8F2', '#000000'),  # light blue 100%
    ('#74B917', '#000000'),  # light green 100%
    ('#0778A5', '#FFFFFF'),  # blue 100%
    ('#FFC819', '#000000'),  # yellow 100%
    ('#F28502', '#000000'),  # orange 100%
    ('#C40046', '#FFFFFF'),  # red 100%
    ('#6B7581', '#FFFFFF'),  # gray 100%
    ('#890D48', '#FFFFFF'),  # dark red 100%
    ('#23614E', '#FFFFFF'),  # dark green 100%



REFTYPES is a list of MIME Types of documents that may contain URLs with relative anchors, especially ../-references. If a web browser resolves such ../-references it removes elements at the end of the documents URL path. Hence a sufficient number of (dummy DOTDIR) directories must be inserted into the document’s URL.


DOTDIR must contain exactly one / and it must be the last character.

REFTYPES = ['text/html']
DOTDIR = '*/'


specifies a name pattern and works like the index.html feature in most HTTP servers: if a Folder contains an object matching the given pattern (* matches -<language> or '') then the object is presented to the anonymous user instead of the folder listing. E.g. if INDEX_PAGE_EXT = 'index*.html' and an anonymous user has selected the German language (de) in his browser, then the Folder contents are looked up for the names indexde.html and index.html (in this sequence).

For compatibility with old BSCW installations, if INDEX_PAGE_EXT starts with . (a file extension .<ext> is specified) it will match the names index-<language>.<ext>, index.<ext>, and english.<ext>.



It is possible (for administrators only) to make URL links into the local file system. If LOCAL_URL_PREFIX is 1 and the URL has the form local:<local file path> then the file or directory on the local file system is accessed by the GET operation on the URL (a relative local file path is interpreted relative to the runtime directory). If the directory contains a file named index.html (recommended!) the contents of index.html are returned instead of a directory listing.

Example: set LOCAL_URL_PREFIX = 1 and add (as admin) a URL named local:var/log/sys.log to a workspace to provide access to your <bscw-runtime-path>/var/log/sys.log.


  • A user, not being administrator, cannot create a local:... URL, even if LOCAL_URL_PREFIX is not (yet) enabled. A leading slash will be interpreted as an absolute file path. I.e. the URL local:/etc/passwd will result in access to the file /etc/passwd on the server.
  • this feature is experimental, and has obvious security implications! It is disabled by default.


Display system messages. SYS_MSG denotes the number of last system message. If SYS_MSG > 0, you must have files

sys_msg1.html, sys_msg2.html ... sys_msg<SYS_MSG>.html

in conf/msg/en/ (and optional the corresponding translated files in other language dependant directories conf/msg/<lang>/). All files must be encoded in UTF-8. See conf/msg/en/sys_msg1.html as an example. The files are displayed to users as system messages and must be confirmed.


Newly registered users will see sys_msg0.html (if provided).



Set, if the server is unavailable for processing requests. The message in file conf/msg/en/<SYS_BUSY>.html will be returned. (See conf/msg/en/sys_busy.html as an example)


the path and the filename ending .html is appended to SYS_BUSY.



Display system banner. Here urgent messages or announcements can be placed just above the user banner between the navigation and the content area in a folder listing. The string must be some HTML code, e.g.:

SYS_BANNER = '<h1>System Banner</h1>'


Display a custom welcome message on the index page. Here important messages (e.g. terms of use of the server) can be linked/announced. The string may include HTML code, e.g.:

INDEX_MSG = '<h3>Efficient collaboration service.</h3>'


  • you need to run bsadmin index_page in order to update the index page
  • you may also define language dependant welcome messages for DE, FR etc. by defining INDEX_MSG_DE, INDEX_MSG_FR etc. (INDEX_MSG should be default/EN)






Locations of various resources for the URLs in the BSCW Banner.

  • SERVER_HOME - BSCW server home page

  • SERVER_HELP - BSCW Help files (English)

    SERVER_HELP_DE - BSCW Help files (German)

    SERVER_HELP_FR - BSCW Help files (French)

    by default the help is served from local BSCW server, alternatively you may use the publicly available help:

    SERVER_HELP = 'https://www.bscw.de/en/classic/help'
    SERVER_HELP_DE = 'https://www.bscw.de/classic/help'
  • SERVER_INFO - BSCW server info page - by default it shows the index page in the scripts directory for anonymous (see SCRIPTS).

  • SERVER_CANCEL - Defines an URL, to which will be redirected if cancel is pressed (currently chpwd and rmail). Default is SERVER_INFO.

  • SERVER_LOGOUT - Defines an URL, to which will be redirected after logout (currently for COOKIE_AUTHENTICATION only). Default is SERVER_INFO.

SERVER_HELP = ''    # local help
SERVER_HELP_DE = '' # local help
SERVER_HELP_FR = '' # local help


Should be set to the time zone that corresponds to time.localtime and should be given in the form “Continent/City”. If you are not sure, use the special value “localtime”.
SERVER_TIMEZONE = 'localtime'


URL used for requesting BSCW license upgrades. This should not be changed.
BSCW_LICENSE = 'https://license.bscw.de/pub/bscw.cgi/'

5.2.6. Optional BSCW packages


A list of directories containing BSCW extension packages. List of available packages:

'airdesktop',           # Desktop Widgets
'approval',             # Document Approval
'blog',                 # Blogs
'case',                 # File Synchronisation Tool (Java Applet)
'easy',                 # Alternative, simplified user interface
'expire'                # User account expiration
'exportpdf',            # Export views to PDF (requires reportlab)
'FlowFolder',           # Flow Folder
'http',                 # pre-forking BSCW HTTP server
'incognito',            # support anonymised read access
'ldap',                 # LDAP interface
'metaprofiles',         # User-defined metadata profiles
'microblog',            # Microblogging
'mobile',               # Mobile interface
'poll',                 # Opinion polls and schedules
'portal',               # Portal and Widgets
'presence',             # Presence Awareness
'PyLucIndex',           # Pylucene Indexer
'rss',                  # RSS Newsfeeds
'Secure',               # Public key support (deprecated!)
'sync',                 # Outlook Synchronisation Tool (Java Applet)
'Tasks',                # Work Flow
'Timeline',             # Graphical overview of activities
'WebFolder',            # Web Folder


The PACKAGES list is maintained by the bsadmin package command. Do not manually edit the PACKAGES list.

To enable a package run

bsadmin package -e <pkg-name>

bsadmin package -e ldap

To disable a package run

bsadmin package -d <pkg-name>

bsadmin package -d ldap

    'approval',         # Document Approval
    'blog',             # Blogs
    'FlowFolder',       # Flow Folder
    'metaprofiles',     # User-defined metadata profiles
    'microblog',        # Microblogging
    'mobile',           # Mobile interface
    'poll',             # Opinion polls
    'portal',           # Portal and Widgets
    'rss',              # RSS Newsfeeds
    'Tasks',            # Work Flow
    'WebFolder',        # Web Folder











The user notification services (UNO) perform the following tasks:

  • sending periodical workspace activity reports via email to give the users an overview about recent activities in a specific time period (e.g. daily)
  • sending direct email notifications to inform the users instantly about recent events (optional)

Using the user notification services a BSCW user does not need to contact its BSCW server(s) so often to check for new events. If the user notification services are activated, the users’ event preference page provides a column for subscription of the “Periodic Report” or the “Direct Email” notification (depending on the UNO service configuration).

By default a daily report is sent to new users, but each user may decide to unsubscribe from the workspace report by himself. The server administrator can change this behavior using the AUTOSUBSCRIBE_REPORT = 1 flag. If this is enabled new users will automatically be subscribed to the user notification service.

Accordingly the direct email notification is enabled by default for each user so each user may decide to disable the direct email. The server administrator can change this behavior using the AUTOSUBSCRIBE_REPORT_DIRECT = 1 flag. (Again this affects all new users and those users who have not yet changed their event preferences.)

To activate the user notification service the BSCW administrator has to start an additional UNO server (bscw.adm.bs_servuno). See section SERVERS for details on how to start bscw.adm.bs_servuno.


UNO accesses the BSCW database server via an extra (virtual) HTTP server running on http://localhost:<HTTP_LOCAL_PORT>. See HTTP_LOCAL_PORT for details.

Also, the following variables have to be set for configuration of bscw.adm.bs_servuno:

SERV_UNO_STATE: A file name for saving the state of the bscw.adm.bs_servuno service must be given here. The file is written, when the bscw.adm.bs_servuno is stopped and read when the server is started again.

SERV_UNO_TIMES: A dictionary containing fine tuning parameters for bscw.adm.bs_servuno; if is set to SERV_UNO_TIMES = None the default settings are used (as shown below). To overwrite the default settings for fine tuning parameters use e.g.:

    'TdelayDirect': 60.,
    'MaxRetry': 20,

The defaults are:

'TdelayDirect': 60.: Delay direct notification one minute for the first affected user. This is to accumulate more events in the direct notification mail.

'TdelayNextProc': 3.: Add a delay of 3 seconds for the next affected user. This is to avoid an overload of the mail server if a lot of users are affected,

'TdelayNextDirect': 300.: Delay the next direct notification for the same user five minutes. This is to avoid an overload of the user.

'TdelayDaily': 5.: Add a delay of five seconds between daily notification mails. This is to avoid an overload of the mail server if the service has to send the notification to a lot of users.

'TdelayRetry': 600.: Add a delay of 10 minutes after the notification has failed and retry then.

'MaxRetry': 2: 2 retries that are delayed with TdelayRetry.

'TdelayFailed': 21600.: After MaxRetry the notification is delayed 6 hours (0 may be assigned here, then there will be no retry upto next midnight).

'FailMessagesAt': 10: Log an error message every 10th failure (first, 11th, 21st …) Note: No error messages are logged after MaxRetry (special values 1: each message 0: never)

'MaxJobs': 4: Maximum number of parallel running mail processes. This will also determine the load of the BSCW server and the mailer. Note: For more throughput on big server machines this value might be increased.

'QueueInfo': 20: Show job queue status after 20 jobs are queued (use values: 2^n * MaxJobs)

'ReportTime': 01:31: Start daily/weekly reports at 01:31 (must be >= 00:00 and < 07:00)

'WeekReportDay': '7': Weekly reports on Sunday (must be >=1 [Monday] and <=7 [Sunday])

WSREPORT = 1 (0) enable (disable) the periodic (daily/weekly) report.

WSREPORT_DIRECT = 1 (0) enable (disable) the direct email report.


When bscw.adm.bs_servuno does not run the periodic report and the direct email report are disabled. Whenever the values of WSREPORT or WSREPORT_DIRECT are altered bscw.adm.bs_servuno must be restarted to take these changes into effect.

AUTOSUBSCRIBE_REPORT defines the periodic report default subscription for all users AUTOSUBSCRIBE_REPORT_DIRECT defines the direct email report default subscription for all users.


Once a user has changed its subscription preferences this flag will have no further effect - but the administrator may use the bsadmin report command to change a user’s report subscription later).

DEFAULT_EVENTMASK defines the event type subscription mask for most of the awareness services (like periodic report or external services), with the values

read = 1; create = 2; move = 4; change = 8

By default all event types are subscribed, except of read events. (create + move + change = 14)

DEFAULT_EVENTMASK_DIRECT defines the default event type subscription mask for the direct email notification. By default no event types are preselected, so users won’t be notified about any events immediately, but may select some event types for certain folders of interest only.

DEFAULT_EVENT_REPORT_DAILY defines the default frequency for periodic email report which may either be daily (1) or weekly (0)

For example, set


to enable the direct email notification service for all users by default, so each user will receive an email for each newly created object! (We do not recommend this setting though.)

WSREPORT_EVENT_LIMIT defines a size limit of the periodic workspace report: in order to prevent too long notification emails the number of events can be limited (use WSREPORT_EVENT_LIMIT = 0 for unlimited size)

REPORTLOG points to a file in which a protocol about the reports is logged. For example:

REPORTLOG = 'report.log'
SERV_UNO_STATE = 'ServUnoState'




BSCW Awareness Service configuration

Setting ALWAYS_CREATE_READEVENTS > 0 enables the creation of read events, even if a user has already read the document and the document was not modified in between. This is sometimes needed for enhanced awareness.

Setting ALWAYS_CREATE_READEVENTS = 0 creates read events, after the first time a user reads a (unchanged) document. For successive reads no further read event is created (default).

Setting ALWAYS_CREATE_READEVENTS < 0 suppresses generation of read events.

If ACCUMULATE_CHANGE_EVENTS is enabled, two subsequent and similar modifications of the same user are are accumulated to one event (i.e. only the last event is kept), unless the object has been read or modified in between.

Setting CREATE_READEVENTS_OPTION = 1 enables the manager of a workspace (respectively folder) to define (for this context) if read events should be tracked or not. If no option is defined, the setting is inherited from the parent folder. If no option is defined on any parent folder, the default option (i.e. ALWAYS_CREATE_READEVENTS) is used.



The SERVERS list is used for starting (and stopping) BSCW servers. Only extra server addresses and implementation modules should be specified here (GSERV, SERV_ALARM, SERV_ACCESS are defined below). The extra servers are specified by a pair (address, module) or a triple (address, service_module, protocol_module). The default protocol_module is 'bscw.core.cl_servublk'. The following RPC protocol modules are available:


  • standard rpc module, can be used with either a file path (recommended) or a (host, port) TCP/IP address. In the first case the module uses a unix socket if possible or selects a free port for a local IP connection and stores it in the given file.


  • for non Python services, (host, port) addresses only.

Example for starting the user notification server:


5.2.7. BSCW database server settings






Persistent object store and garbage collection. Relative paths are relative to the BSCW database directory (<bscw-runtime-path>/var/data)


Normally contains actual sizes of files in STORE_PAIR and a garbage collection (GC) counter. Only for disaster recovery, put a backup into this file and start the server.


The BSCW database server uses one of the files in this pair as the current StoreFile. The other one is free for garbage collection (called the GcFile). These files contain data of all persistent objects and will grow big. The database server only appends data to the the current store file. So it must be garbage collected from time to time (every day is recommended!). The garbage collector copies actual data from store file to GC file and then swaps the files.


BSCW database table information used for fast database server restart.


Prefix for some temporary files during garbage collection. The database server moves STORE to CLEAN during initialization.


For the purpose of backup, the garbage collector copies the new current StoreFile to this file just before it finishes.


bsadmin getconfig STORE shows the current store file from STORE_PAIR

It is strongly recommended that STORE, TABLES and CLEAN are in the same directory and the (base) file names are not changed. For increased reliability, put SAVE and the files in STORE_PAIR on different devices. Never put STORE, TABLES, CLEAN and the files in STORE_PAIR on a shared file system.

On Unix systems, STORE_PAIR may also point to (properly configured) block devices e.g. STORE_PAIR = ('/dev/sdb3', '/dev/sdb4').

STORE = 'Store'
STORE_PAIR = ('StoreA', 'StoreB')
TABLES = 'Tables'
CLEAN = 'Garbage'
SAVE = 'Backup'




Persistent alarm store, file store and temporary files. Relative paths are relative to the BSCW database directory (<bscw-runtimepath>/var/data)

ALARM_DIR: Directory for scheduled alarms

FILES: Root directory of document file tree

TEMP: Directory for temporary files

We recommend that the directories TEMP and FILES are on the same file system. In this case only a link (instead of a copy) is necessary to put a temporary file in the right place, e.g. after document upload.


You can find the file for a BSCW Document with id 12345 at <FILES>/01/23/45F, probably with some extension .xxx depending on the file type.

ALARM_DIR = 'Alarm'
FILES = 'Files'
TEMP = 'Temp'


Simulates “soft links” in the BSCW file store. A list (or tuple) of pairs (path-pattern, substitute) determines the actual location of a BSCW file. E.g. if

FILES = '/media/nas/Files'

(see below), then

FILES_SWITCH = (('/media/nas/Files/01', '/media/nas2/Files/01'))

will substitute all BSCW file paths starting with /media/nas/Files/01 by file paths starting with /media/nas2/Files/01. This may be used for distributing the BSCW file store on different disks etc.


Some bsadmin tools like bsadmin fsck do not support this feature and may give wrong results.






Archive configuration for (optional) archiving of removed user artifacts:

RMUSR_DIR - directory for archives of removed users

RMUSR_ARC - format for removed users archives: 'zip' (default) or 'tar'

RMUSR_VER - archive all versions of a document: True (default) or False

RMUSR_ENC - pathname encoding: 'UTF-8' (default)

RMUSR_DIR = 'rmuserarc'



SERV_ACCESS specifies the address of the access server bscw.adm.bs_servaccess. The bscw.adm.bs_servaccess service is an optional accelerator for searches. It implements fast access filtering. Disabled if empty.

In order to enable this service use SERV_ACCESS = 'AccessSocket'


If you enable this service on an upgraded Server you might get an error (e.g. in bscw.log) like:

mm-dd hh:mm:ss ACCESS watch died:
RuntimeError: Old pickle not supported

In this case

$ bin/bsadmin garbage bs_classtabe0
$ rm var/data/ServAccessState
$ bin/bsadmin start

will solve the problem. In the case of

mm-dd hh:mm:ss ACCESS position nnnnn:
ValueError: bad marshal data

a clean restart without reading the saved state might help:

$ rm var/data/ServAccessState
$ bin/bsadmin start

SERV_ACCESS_STATE - File to save state of bscw.adm.bs_servaccess when the access server is shut down. This file is only used when bscw.adm.bs_servaccess is enabled.

SERV_ACCESS_STATE = 'ServAccessState'



All requests to BSCW are logged in this file. Should be set for analyzing purposes only. A log entry contains the following information (divided by blanks):

  • request date (local time)
  • remote host
  • remote user
  • request method
  • BSCW operation
  • response code
  • request duration (CPU time)
  • request duration (real time)
  • request path

Server activities (e.g. start, stop, gc) and errors will logged in BSCW_LOG.

SERVER_LOG = 'server.log'
BSCW_LOG = 'bscw.log'


BSCW_UMASK restricts access to owner and group by default (i.e. mask out read, write and execute bits for “other” users). This mask is used only on UNIX systems.






DBMOD_TAB: definition of the BSCW database table type:

  • the default value 'dict' uses Python dictionaries and should be used for small BSCW databases only, because the key and offset tables are hold in memory of the bs_servdb process and must be loaded to memory and stored to disk on server start and shutdown respectively.
  • the value 'bsddb4' uses an external Berkeley DB to store the BSCW database tables and requires an installed Berkeley DB (http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db) and the additional bsddb module. Python 2.7 requires the installation of the bsddb3 module (python-bsddb3)

The following configuration parameters DBMOD_CACHESIZE, DBMOD_PAGESIZE, DBMOD_HASH, DBMOD_MINKEY are only used with DBMOD_TAB = 'bsddb4':

DBMOD_CACHESIZE: defines the cache size of the Berkeley DB. The recommended cache size is about 10-15% of the actual STORE size.


DBMOD_CACHESIZE < 100 defines cache size in giga bytes (GB) DBMOD_CACHESIZE >= 100 define cache size in bytes (B)

DBMOD_PAGESIZE: specifies the size of a single cache page. Do not choose too big values to avoid high I/O load (default: 8192)

DBMOD_HASH: uses Berkley DB HASH access method (instead of the default BTREE access method).


This option is not recommended!

DBMOD_MINKEY: is a pair of two values which are only used with the BTREE access method (the default). The values depend on the maximum key + data size of the offset table (StoreOff) and the key table (StoreKey) respectively. The values should be less than:

DBMOD_PAGEZIZE / 2*<max key+data size>

A good working heuristic value pair seems to be:

DBMOD_TAB = 'dict'              # Python dictionary (default)
DBMOD_CACHESIZE = 2097152       # cache size in bytes
DBMOD_PAGESIZE = 8192           # page size in bytes
DBMOD_MINKEY = 72, 40           # heuristic values for page size 8192



GSERV - address of database server socket DBMOD

SERV_ALARM - address of alarm server socket (bscw.adm.bs_servalarm)

Filenames are recommended here. Fixed local port addresses like ('localhost', 12966) should only be used if there are problems with UNIX sockets or the automatic TCP/IP port selection does not work.

The bscw.adm.bs_servalarm service schedules alarms for persistent objects.

GSERV = 'DbSocket'
SERV_ALARM = 'AlarmSocket'


BSCW offers a range of services via different web service protocols: XML-RPC, JSON, SOAP.

Basically most of the actions available on the user interface (like “add folder”) are accessible via a web service API. Of course access to API is restricted via access control as in the regular user interface (i.e. authentication and BSCW internal roles and rights are respected).

For documentation on the web services API see the BSCW distribution


Please note that BSCW is distributed with some API examples. These Python scripts are included in the BSCW distribution in bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27/etc/src-aux/remote_client

Availability of the web service API on different user levels can be configured by adding the respective flags:

ACCEPT_WEBSERVICES = 0 disable all web service calls

ACCEPT_WEBSERVICES = 1 enable standard web service calls for registered users

ACCEPT_WEBSERVICES = 2 enable additional web service calls for registered administrators

ACCEPT_WEBSERVICES = 4 enable standard web service calls for public access (anonymous)

ACCEPT_WEBSERVICES = 8 enable standard web service calls for anonymous users with special authentication (see SCRIPTS)


  • By default the web service API is enabled for registered users only.
  • Certain built-in components of BSCW (like the portal) do require web services for client-server communication and won’t work if you disable this feature!
  • If disabled, all requests will be rejected by BSCW rendering an error response (e.g. HTTP error code 501: content_unsupported in case of XML-RPC API).




BSCW can act as a proxy for “cross-domain requests”, required for some AJAX features like used in the portal. This proxy requires authentication and is thus only open to your BSCW users. You can turn the proxy on and off using XDPROXY_ENABLED. The proxy will refuse to download any URL that does not match any regular expression in XDPROXY_URLS.

If you have the libxml2 and libxslt Python packages installed, the proxy can also apply some data transformations, which are given in XDPROXY_TRANSFORMATIONS. Each transformation specifies the source mimetype (a regular expression that has to match the mimetype currently downloaded), the XSLT transformation to apply to it and the resulting target mimetype. Example:

  'somedata': (
     'application/json; charset=UTF-8')


BSCW offers detailed logging information on various components of the system. The purpose of logging is mainly for debugging and problem identification. It should be noted that system logs may contain personal detail and sensitive information.

Logging is enabled by default to log error conditions:

    'sys': ('ERROR', 'sys.log'),

This creates the log file sys.log where records from all loggers with the log level ERROR will be logged. To create log files for specific loggers with more detailed log levels add the following entries, for example:

    'sys': ('INFO', 'sys.log'),
    'ldap': ('DEBUG', 'ldap.log'),
    'mda': ('DEBUG', 'mda.log')

Where 'ldap' specifies the logger for the BSCW ldap package, and 'mda' the logger for the BSCW Mail Delivery Agent.

#    'sys': ('WARN', 'sys.log'),
#    'arc': ('ERROR', 'arc.log'),
# }



BSCW allows archiving of large workspaces by starting a background process for the archive task (and likewise for extraction of archives). For smaller archives the task is coupled with the CGI process so that the user will see immediate feedback.

WAIT_ARCHIVING defines the time in seconds that a CGI process will wait for the archive or extract task to complete before it returns with an adhoc response to the user. The time must be less than the http server’s timeout (typically 300 sec.).

ARCHIVE_LIMIT defines the maximum size of downloadable archives. You may use this to prevent denial-of-service attacks caused by users creating archive-bombs. By default ARCHIVE_LIMIT is set to 2G. Possible values for the sizes are strings which may be specified in bytes or kilo- (mega-, giga-, tera-) bytes with an additional k (K), M, G or T suffix. E.g. valid values for ten mega-bytes are 10485760 or '10M'.



Please do not change packages_state. It controls automatic enabling/disabling of new/obsolete PACKAGES in bsadmin update_defaults.
packages_state = 4

5.3. conf/config_actions.py

The config_action.py configuration file allows to redefine roles.

5.4. conf/config_applet.py

The config_applet.py configuration file provides definitions for Java Applets.

5.5. conf/config_cal.py

This is the configuration file for the calendar. Please note that not all entries are meant to be configured by the administrator here. Especially the settings of flags, categories and appoint_status should not be changed.

BSCW administrators may change the default preferences for each user’s calendar here – the calendar_flags contains the sum of all enabled calendar flags (cf. list of flags). The file also contains defaults for the display of appointments in different views. For each view (y = year, m = month, w = week, d = day) a list of potential ('allowed_x') and displayed ('view_x') style items is specified.

5.6. conf/config_clientmap.py

The config_clientmap.py configuration file defines the mapping between web browsers and their supported options.

See also

The comments in this file for further descriptions.

5.7. conf/config_controls.py

The config_controls.py configuration file defines access right independent parameters for BSCW operations. Generally it is not advised to make changes without consulting our support staff.

5.8. conf/config_convert.py

The conversion tool configuration is automatically performed by the bsadmin update_defaults script. This script will search the local system for archiver, encoder or converter commands and generate a <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config_convert.py converter configuration file. To locate a converter command the script uses some internal heuristics and evaluates the users’ environment search path variable (PATH (Unix) resp. Path (Windows)).

In the following paragraph the syntax of the converter configuration file is explained. The system commands for archiver, encoder or converter tools are given in the following three lists respectively:

  1. The Encoders list contains triples (type, encoder, decoder) with

    type            the encoding-type for the encoding tool
    encoder         the shell command to encode a file
    decoder         the shell command to decode a files
        Encoders = [
                '/usr/bin/compress -f -c %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/uncompress -c < %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/gzip < %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/gzip -d < %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/bzip2 < %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/bzip2 -d <
                %(src)s > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/uuencode %(src)s dummy > %(dest)s',
                '/usr/bin/uudecode -p %(src)s > %(dest)s',
  2. The Converters list contains 5-tuples (src_type, dest_type, quality_factor, command, info) with

    src_type        the mime-type from the source file
    dest_type       the mime-type from the destination file
    quality_factor  a number between 0 and 1 to estimate the quality
                    of the conversion. If you have more than one
                    tool for the same conversion, the one with the
                    best quality is chosen.
    command         the shell command to convert a file
    info            information about what is lost during the conversion
        Converters = [
            ('application/pdf', 'text/plain', '0.5',
                '/usr/bin/pdftotext -enc UTF-8 %(src)s %(dest)s',
            ('application/postscript', 'text/plain', '0.5',
                '/usr/bin/ps2ascii -sOutputFile=%(dest)s -q -dBATCH %(src)s',
  3. The Programs list contains 5-tuples (name, path) with

    name            the external converter program name
    path            the system path to the external program name

The shell commands have to be specified with an absolute pathname and are normally executed in a temporary directory in BSCW Temp. In a shell command the following patterns can be used:

%(py)s              absolute path of the python executable
%(cnv)s             absolute path of the BSCW converters directory
%(src)s             the absolute path of the source file
%(dest)s            the base name of destination file
%(pid)s             process id of the converter process

For the Converters list additionally the following pattern can be used:

%(charset)s         character set encoding for documents with a
                    "text/*" content-type.

In squared bracket some additional parameters can be set:

[S_EXT=.xxx]            specifies the extension of the source file
[D_EXT=.xxx]            specifies the extension of the destination file
[D_NAME=%(dest)s.xxx]   or
[D_NAME=%(src)s.xxx]    specifies the name of the destination file
[E_DIR=xxx]             specifies a directory, where the tool should be executed

Multiple parameters can be separated in the squared bracket with a semicolon.

To avoid automatic manipulation of the following lists by bsadmin update_defaults enable the following line below (use at own risk, future updates may fail):

__keep__ = ['Encoders', 'Converters']

To regenerate the converter file, e.g. after you installed new converters or adapted your environment search path, run the script with the options -s (to skip a Python import check) and -v (to print some information about found converter commands):

$ bin/bsadmin update_defaults -h
 bsadmin update_defaults [-s|-e] [-i] [-v|-vv|...] [-w|-ww|...]
 bsadmin update_defaults -h

    Update conf/__init__.py and conf/config.py

optional arguments:
 -s             skip import check
 -e             exit on package error
 -i             reinitialize conf/__init__.py
 -v -vv ...     verbosity
 -w -ww ...     warning level
 -h             show this help message and exit

$ bin/bsadmin update_defaults -s -v
Found "Programs" (located):
 '7z': '/usr/bin/7za'
 'bzip2': '/usr/bin/bzip2'
 'cjpeg': None
 'compress': '/usr/bin/compress'
 'convert': '/usr/bin/convert'
 'djpeg': None
 'gif2tiff': None
 'gm': '/usr/bin/gm'
 'gzip': '/usr/bin/gzip'
 'html2text': '/usr/bin/html2markdown'
 'java': '/usr/bin/java'
 'lynx': '/usr/bin/lynx'
 'markdown2': '/usr/local/bin/markdown2'
 'pdftotext': '/usr/bin/pdftotext'
 'perl': '/usr/bin/perl'
 'phantomjs': '/usr/local/bin/phantomjs'
 'pildriver': None
 'ps2ascii': '/usr/bin/ps2ascii'
 'tar': '/usr/bin/tar'
 'uncompress': '/usr/bin/uncompress'
 'unoconv': '%(py)s %(cnv)s/unoconv/unoconv --pipe=%(pid)s'
 'unzip': '/usr/bin/unzip'
 'uudecode': '/usr/bin/uudecode'
 'uuencode': '/usr/bin/uuencode'
 'w3m': '/usr/bin/w3m'
 'weasyprint': '/usr/local/bin/weasyprint'
 'wkhtmltopdf': None
 'zip': '/usr/bin/zip'
conf/config_convert.py : updated...

5.9. conf/config_countries.py

The config_countries.py file defines country codes (based in ISO 3166 standard) for selections lists.

5.10. conf/config_easy_ui.py

The config_easy_ui.py defines menu for the easy user interface.

5.11. conf/config_help.py

The config_help.py file defines mappings from the BSCW context sensitive help to online help HTML pages.

5.12. conf/config_html_ui.py

The user profile definition determines which actions will appear at the user interface. All actions will subsequently be filtered for access control and feasibility at run time.

5.12.1. User Profiles

This configuration file allows a BSCW system administrator to define so-called user profiles. A user profile defines those actions which a user who has selected the respective profile sees in the BSCW interface. User profiles may be defined according to the expertise of particular user groups (e.g., beginners, advanced users or experts) or according to other classification schemes that may be appropriate for a particular BSCW server installation.

The default configuration file config_html_ui.py as delivered with the BSCW server software comes with three pre-defined profiles called BEGINNER, ADVANCED and EXPERT (see below). These profiles are upward compatible, i.e., the BEGINNER profile is a subset of the ADVANCED profile which in turn is a subset of the EXPERT profile. These profiles should only be considered examples: A BSCW administrator may modify the actions, buttons, etc., which shall appear in the interface of the respective profile to the requirements of his or her specific user community.

The profiles below apply unless the end user explicitly selects an action to appear at the user interface (action [Options ‣ Preferences]). Profiles should have values 2**n to facilitate mask evaluations (see below). By default, the following bit masks for user profiles are provided:

ui_no       =   0   # action will not appear for any user
ui_beginner =   1   # action will appear, if user has chosen beginner level
ui_advanced =   2   #      advanced level
ui_expert   =   4   #      expert level

ui_waste    = 128   # action will be allowed in the waste
ui_yes      = 255   # action will always appear at ui

master_profile  = ui_expert # profile with all actions

The variable ui_profiles defines the list of available u/i profiles that the user may choose from. The second value is used to translate the profile’s name and must correspond to a variable in <bscw-runtime-path>/messages/en/lg_msgconfig.py.

ui_profiles = [
    (ui_beginner,       'ui_beginner'),
    (ui_advanced,       'ui_advanced'),
    (ui_expert,         'ui_expert'),

The default profile for new users (when registering) is defined as follows:

default_profile_new = ui_expert

The default profile for existing users (this applies when upgrading from versions lower than 3.3 of the BSCW server) is defined as follows:

default_profile = ui_expert

In the lists below, actions in the user interface may be set to one of the predefined action profiles, e.g. to ADVANCED. This value will be filtered by the user’s individual user interface profile, e.g., ui_beginner.

Action profiles may be combined to allow for more flexibility, e.g., an action profile == ui_advanced | ui_expert means that both users with profile ui_advanced and users with profile ui_expert will have this action at their interface. Other combinations are possible.

BEGINNER = ui_beginner | ui_advanced | ui_expert        # ascending profiles
ADVANCED = ui_advanced | ui_expert                      # ascending profiles
EXPERT   = ui_expert
WASTE    = ui_waste
ADMIN    = ui_yes

What follows in the configuration file is the list user_acts which specify the actions in the user interface according the profiles. The list TOOLBAR_ACTIONS specify the actions which can be used in a toolbar.

5.12.2. Columns

It is possible to configure the folder views for every folder type by altering the corresponding entries in config_html_ui.py. Additionally single columns can be hidden in specific users levels. To achieve this the following entries of the folder type list must be changed:

V_ANY = -1
V_A   = V_ALL

    'Folder': {
        'columns': [
            # (colbit, position, presets, ui_profiles)
            (col_info,     100, V_ADM, ui_yes, ),

            (col_moddate, 2000,  V_AD, ui_yes, ),
            (col_events,  2100,  V_AD, ui_yes, ),

An entry has the following meaning (illustrated for he entry “Last Modified”):

(col_moddate, 2000,  V_AD, ui_yes, ),

The “Last Modified” column is displayed within the predefined views “All” (V_ALL) and “Default” (V_DEF) and available in all user levels (ui_yes). To display this column additionally within the view “Minimal” (V_MIN) the entry has to be changed as follows:

(col_events,  2100,  V_AD, ui_yes, ),

Similarly, proceed for all other folder types (e.g. TaskList).

Columns are displayed in the order of the definition in the folder type list. Altering the order of the folder type list (in config_html_ui.py) leads to a redefinition of the order of the shown columns order at the user interface.


Not every column order results in a usable display in all web browsers. Some columns (such as col_name) are mandatory. The columns col_info, col_check, col_icon, col_name and col_actions should not be altered.

5.13. conf/config_icons.py

The config_icons.py file maps BSCW objects to image files.

5.14. conf/config_meet.py

This is the configuration file for synchronous collaboration tools, on-line directories and messaging services. It contains the counter ID for a unique number and the lists Applications, OnlineDirs and MessagingServices.

An entry in the Applications list for a synchronous collaboration tool is of a 3-tuple (<name>, <id>, <params>) where <name> is the name of the tool, <id> a unique number and <params> a 2-tuple (<mime_type>, <call_cmd>). Here <mime_type> gives the Mime Type to start the application and <call_cmd> is a command string to call a user. In the command string following substitutes can be used: %(host)s IP address for the host of the participant, %(name)s the name of the participant, %(email)s the mail address of the participant.

An entry in the OnlineDirs list consists of a 5-tuple (<name>, <home>, <view-address>, <icon>, <id>):

<name> is the name of the directory service. <home> and <view-address> are URLs with a link to the directory. <view-address> has to be directly connectible with an email address, i.e. it usually has to end with a /. <icon> gives a reference a icon in config_icon.py; <id> is a unique number.

An entry in the MessagingServices list consists of a 4-tuple (<name>, <home>, <contact-link>, <id>).

<name>, <home> and <id> are defined as above, while <contact-link> may include %(uid)s which is replaced with the users’ UID for the given service.

5.15. conf/config_menu.py

The config_menu.py file specifies the BSCW menu configuration.

5.16. conf/config_metadata.py

The config_metadata.py file specifies the meta data for BSCW objects.

5.17. conf/config_mimegroups.py

The config_mimegroups.py file maps MIME-types of different applications in groups, eg. Microsoft Office.

5.18. conf/config_mimeicons.py

This is (an excerpt from) the configuration file for icons. For further description see <bscw-runtime-path>/conf/config_icons.py.

access  =   ('msaccess.gif',    (21, 21),   0)
aiff    =   ('audio.gif',       (21, 21),   0)
zip     =   ('zip.gif',         (21, 21),   0)

5.19. conf/config_mimemsg.py

While the translations in different languages of all built-in MIME-type messages are stored in lg_msgconfig.py, the file config_mimemsg.py keeps all user-defined MIME-type messages defined by an BSCW administrator.

5.20. conf/config_mime.py

This is the configuration file for the MIME-types. Default MIME-type information for BSCW details can be extended or modified directly for system-wide effect. To add MIME-types, add an entry to the list below. Also consider adding an entry to bs_iconconfig.py if the type should have its own icon (otherwise the Unknown icon will be used) and adding an entry to config_mimemsg.py for the description of the MIME-type. The format for entries is:

name = (MIME-Type, suffix0, suffix1, ...)


  • name is the name of type’s icon (in config_icon.py) and description (in config_mimemsg.py). The name must be unique and conform to Python naming conventions;
  • MIME-Type consists of a type and a subtype divided by a slash (use lower case letters);
  • suffix0 ... suffixn are used by document conversion assistant and to determine the document type by extracting a file archive (<= 3 characters recommended).


Only a subset of the IANA (and common, non-standard) media-types are specified here.

See also

http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ for more information on MIME-types

Examples of entries in the list are:

access  =   ('application/vnd.ms-access',   'mdb')
aiff    =   ('audio/x-aiff',  aif', 'aiff')
zip     =   ('application/zip', 'zip')

5.21. conf/config_mobile_ui.py

The config_mobile_ui.py file specifies the user interface setting for the BSCW mobile interface.

5.22. conf/config_mpick.py

The config_mpick.py file allows to overload non-existing BSCW database object classes with replacement classes at runtime. BSCW uses this mechanism to replace database objects for BSCW extension package classes which have been disabled.

5.23. conf/config_portlets.py

The config_portlets.py file provides configuration custom portlets.

5.24. conf/config_prio_categ.py

The config_prio_categ.py file configures settings for priorities and categories.

5.25. conf/config_quicksearch.py

The config_quicksearch.py file provides configuration for the BSCW quick search.

5.26. conf/config_search.py

The config_search.py file allows to configure the BSCW main search keys. Configured search keys are indicated with MainSearchKey() entries in this file. All defined main search keys are immediately available in the “+” menu of a search operation, e.g.


5.27. conf/config_service.py

The config_service.py file provides configuration the Windows service.

5.28. conf/config_styles.py

The config_styles.py file provides configuration for style sheet handling.

5.29. msg/<lang>/lg_msgconfig.py

The lg_msgconfig.py file specifies numerous text strings which are used in the interface of the BSCW server. Since these text strings are obviously language dependent, they are stored in the respective language directories, i.e., there exists a file lg_msgconfig.py in msg/en as well as in msg/de and possibly in other language directories.

While the default language files are located in the distribution library directory <bscw-path>/lib/bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27/bscw/msg/* changes should be located in the corresponding BSCW instance runtime directory <bscw-runtime-path>/bsext/msg/*.

For example to change translations from msg/en/lg_msgconfig.py for your instance create a <bscw-runtime-path>/bsext/msg/en directory and copy the distribution <bscw-path>/lib/bscw-5.2.6-<rev>-py27/bscw/msg/en/lg_msgconfig.py file to this location. Now you can edit <bscw-runtime-path>/bsext/msg/en/lg_msgconfig.py and adapt it for your BCSW instance.

The file consists of a set of entries where each entry has the form:

InternalName = 'Interface text string'

where InternalName is the name of an entity in the BSCW server source code and Interface text string is the external representation of the entity in the user interface. Obviously, InternalName is the same character string for all languages whereas Interface text string is, in general, specific for each language. For example, the lg_msgconfig.py file for English contains the following two lines

Folder = 'Folder'
ChangeEvent = 'changed'

whereas the lg_msgconfig.py file for German contains

Folder = 'Ordner'
ChangeEvent = 'geändert'

Note the internal name and its external representation may be the same as for “Folder” (usually only in English) or it may be different as for “ChangeEvent” and “changed” (and, in general, for other languages than English).

A BSCW system administrator may modify the user interface of his or her BSCW server by replacing interface text strings, e.g., if the ChangeEvent entry is modified to

ChangeEvent = 'modified'

the change event would appear with the name “modified” in the user interface.

Whereas InternalName must always be one word conforming to Python naming conventions, Interface text string may consists of several words and may include HTML mark-up and also parameters for variable parts and must therefore be enclosed in quotes (single ', double " or triple """). For example:

ChAccessEvent     =     'access rights changed'
no_objects        =     '<P><STRONG>No objects, currently.</STRONG></P>'
CreateEventMsg    =     'created by %(name)s, %(date)s'

The entries are not listed in detail here.

The lg_msgconfig.py file for English is the “default” language file, i.e., if a lg_msgconfig.py file for a language different from English is lacking a translation, the entry is taken from the English file. In order to facilitate comparison of the lg_msgconfig.py files for different languages, the order of the entries in the files should not be modified, nor should entries be removed completely. Entries which should not or cannot be translated, should be commented out for performance reasons. Commenting out entries from a lg_msgconfig.py file for languages other than English may be sensible, e.g., if a translation is not desired which is normally the case for system messages.