Public space

The public space represents that part of a BSCW server which can be accessed by everyone over the World-Wide Web without being a registered user of the server. Folders and discussion forums may be made publicly available using  File    Access    Public Access  in the top menu or action  Access    Public Access  in the action menu of the object. This action is by de­fault only allowed for managers. The access rights for anonymous users are determined when an object is pub­lished. By default, anonymous users have read access only (also see 4.6.6 Allowing anonymous access).

Note: For security reasons, the BSCW administrator may remove the public space from your ser­ver. In this case, no objects may be made publicly available.

The public space is implemented as a community workspace named ‘public’. Its community is the group of anonymous users, i.e. of all users accessing the public part of a BSCW server anonymously. (For communities in general see 7.4 Communities.) The folder ‘public’ is contained in the listing of community workspaces of every registered user of your BSCW server. You reach the public space as follows:

      Click my communities in the instant access bar or

      select  GoTo    My Communities  in the top menu. This presents the folder ‘Communities of your-user-name’ containing all community workspaces with communities where you are a member.

      Open the community workspace ‘public’, which contains all objects that have been pub­lished on your BSCW server.

Alternatively you may also reach the public space as an anonymous user:

      Select  GoTo    Public Space  in the top menu. This presents the folder ‘Communities of anonymous’ containing the workspace ‘public’.

      Open the workspace ‘public’ to view all objects that have been published on your BSCW server.

The latter way of accessing the public space lets you view the objects that have been made publicly available as an anonymous user, without having to terminate your current BSCW session under your own user name. This is especially useful when you moderate a workspace with public access. You may then check very quickly how the public part of the workspace looks like from the perspective of an anonymous user in the World-Wide Web.