List of entries

The body of a folder page, search result page, etc. consists of a list of entries, each represent­ing an object contained in the folder, search folder etc. Normally every object entry starts with the in­for­mation icon, followed by a check box for selecting the object and an icon re­pres­ent­ing the object’s type. Next comes the name of the object, which is followed by the action menu button action giving access to actions that may be performed on the object represented by the entry. The size of an entry is indicated in bytes, in case of a folder in number of objects con­tained. This may be followed by icons leading to ad­ditional information, e.g., in a folder page a members’ icon members will take you to the members’ page of this folder. Note, that you can actually configure the information displayed along with an entry via  View    Columns  in the top menu (see 4.3.4 Views on folders).

Click the name of the object in its entry or use action  Open  in its action menu to display its con­tents or – if the object is a document that your Web browser cannot display – to download the corresponding file. You may open the file on your local system by using an appropriate appli­cation.

Please note that entries in calendar pages look and work a bit differently than described here for folder entries.

Sorting entries

BSCW can display the entries ordered according to different sorting criteria. Select  View    Sort  to redisplay the page with the entries sorted by the criterion desired:

      by name

      by type

      by date of last modification

      by size

      by rating

      You may also sort the entries by clicking a column header of the entry list, e.g. ‘Name’ or ‘Last Modified’.

Showing the full contents

You may display the complete contents of a folder by selecting  File    Contents  in the top menu of the folder.

This will bring up an indented list showing not only the objects directly contained in the folder, but also the contents of subfolders, sub-subfolders etc. Click on the folder name in the navigation bar to return to the normal folder view.