Adding attachments to a note

You may attach arbitrary documents and URLs to a note:

      Select action menu  Attach    Document  or action menu  Attach    URL  in the action menu of a note to attach a document or URL to a note.

      Proceed as if you were adding a document or URL to a folder.

      To attach a document or URL to a note in the single note view, i.e. the view that is pre­sented when you click on a note, use  File    New    Document  or  File    New    URL .

The presence of attachments is indicated by a attachment icon near the note – always in the single note view and, when the option  View    Columns    Attachments  is activated, also in the discussion view. Click on this icon to access the attachments’ folder. There you may also add more attachments using  File    New    Document  or  File    New    URL .